Today has made it pretty clear. The me not being connected to anywhere, belonging to nowhere. No identity, no existence; utterly naught. I have known it for long now, but still, it hurts as if I have never. I fear a day comes when I can no longer ignore it; a day when memories of the past pass away, and nothing of the present may fit instead. I fear a day comes when life is what it now seems; a day when hope has no room in a territory of fake glories. I fear there will remain no more dreams to be. I fear there will be no more days to come, when entities are entities regardless of race or religion or possessions, and when countries are one country regardless of the made-up names or lines called borders. And between the shadows of such fears travels a youngster who has lost trace of time. One who has been blown away and overpassed on the way back. One whose journey was crippled due to an unpaved path. One whose love blooms even when watered with sorrow, and whose hope keeps shining as long as breaths are still to be taken.