It’s some hours before lunch, she has just woken up. The kettle is speeding up the electricity meter and the cigarette is glowing. She adds some of her “First Price”* coffee in the mug and let the boiling water force the powder to change its mood. (I don’t have anything against First Price products; on the contrary, they have a good variety there).
“Gosh, I am stressed, I haven’t been on facebook for hours now and I am definitely missing a lot”.
Her careless soul and big bum give the chair a hard time and she thanks Bill Gates for making her life easier. Gates is cool, but he is not as popular as Zuckerberg. Mark is the man. Facebook is the new heaven.
Her best friend has made a strong statement on her wall, so our friend pushes the like button before she even reads and then she adds:
“I am proud of myself, getting on well with my diet”
“Congrats (like)”
“I ate a whole pizza with whole wheat bun, rich toppings and a glass of DIET coke”
“Good on ya, I should start mine soon” our friend replies and keep in mind that all is happening on the public wall.
“You’ll manage, I think. What are your plans for the weekend?”
“Big ones, getting drunk”
It might sound shallow to read such a story, but it is an example of what many who are doing nothing other than infecting the way we now communicate. It is unfair to generalize; however, the majority thinks that mainstream is the solution.
There are ways in posting comments and updating the status on facebook. It is cooler if we achieve that by using iPhones and the fruit of that is proudly shown”sent via facebook for iPhone”. The other fact is having more that 500 friends and we communicate with only few of them. We meet someone on the net, in a pub, on the bus or in bed and we become facebook buddies.
Facebook has turned the communication situation upside down. We can’t ignore the fact that it is a platform where we express many of our frustrations, support, love and hate, but some are turning it to a measurement for our faith like “press like if you like Jesus” or ”join the group if you are an atheist” etc. If you are not a member of this giant network then you are doomed.
Nevertheless, doesn’t the “like” button govern no matter how bad things are? It reminds us of the “red green coalition “that’s been ruling
I have had that love/hate relationship to facebook. I admire it and I hate it. To commit a social suicide by deactivating the account could be a solution, but I will always remember my really true friends whom I cherish deeply.
Du e flink å skriva du kompis. Lige å lesa d. D e fjågt.
Thanks Emil, mye energier som bør brukes :-)
I am totally, one hundred percent on your side with this one. I also have a love-hate relationship with facebook because for the most parts it cheapens everything. Everything is phony and up for discussion and very few people show any discretion in what they share. I mean really, for the most part, it's sch nonsense. But people care...people "like" it because hey, anything to avoid a real conversation or a meaningful relationship...
*deep breath* :)
So, what I do like, being in better touch with my family and good friends. Sharing photos with my mom who truly loves to see them so she can know more about our lives here in Norway.
What I don't like...oh so, so much. I don't want a lot of friends on facebook, not because I don't like people, on the contrary I like most people but I don't like the way people communicate on FB, the assumptions the make based on what you type or don't type, the "like" button that has made pretty much every interaction less sincere...the way people seem to write things on your wall just for show rather than send a personal message...you probably won't believe this, but I could go on and on. ;)
Maybe I should stop now...
(I may come back and post another few paragraphs of ranting though.:)
Really great post Michael...you're brave to come right out and say this!!:)
A strong comment from one of my favourite bloggers.That shows that I am not the only one on that boat. Strong reply that gives me credits to continue. Please say more when you feel like it Colleen. I appreciate it.
I'd also mention both Mary and my dear friend Luz who gave me some tips to correct some of writing mistakes :-)
Haha, I feel like such a lunatic!:) Oh well, we all must have a cause.:)
I would have clicked the "like" for this post if that option existed on blogs (you should consider adding it :D), not for show but because I totally agree with the expressed concept. I also loved the photo by the way... artistic and creative..
Michael, jeg lovde å lese innlegget ditt, jeg gjorde det og jeg er helt enig med deg i det du skriver! ;)
Thanks Wafaa, Ceck your friend request. I appreciate your and othore's feedbacks, give me the will to continue.
Takk Sindy at tok tiden å lese den :-)
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