Friday, February 25, 2011

As Warm as Snow by Wafaa

As dawn carefully crept in, embroidering the hill tops with golden canvas, not daring to disturb snow from its nap after a night of hard labor, tranquility governed. Creatures retired each into a secret corner, availing peaceful moments as such. Out of silence depths, the landing of snowflakes played a pleasant melody as they basted their perfect white gown, while the wind stood still, frozen by nips penetrating it from every direction. How would it feel like out there, being no one yet everyone? Would the smell of snow sweeten the breaths I take? Would its cold outshine the chilliness overwhelming me? I gazed longingly at that hypnotic view, desiring bits of its serenity; but a recurring cheep echoed through my sighs, luring my attention towards a forlorn swallow. His shivering feathers glittered in my tears, and his agony shared mine its root. How similar we looked at that moment, the songbird and I; for we were both captives of memories that have gone too far to overhaul.

1 comment:

wafaa said...

I like the title :D